Coffee Whiskey
Coffee Whiskey is made in close collaboration with longtime Brooklyn Navy Yard neighbors Parlor Coffee. Obsessively crafted from a blend of Kings County’s finest whiskeys and Parlor’s exceptional ready-to-drink Cold Brew, our Coffee Whiskey sets out to define a more elegant and thoughtful flavored spirit. With a balance, complexity, and depth of flavor that is as suited for cocktail backbars as it is late-night neat pours, this hyper-local whiskey aims to represent the forefront of Brooklyn’s craft culture to the wider world.
While cocktail-making has evolved rapidly over the last two decades, spirits companies haven’t necessarily kept up with the times. Coffee, in the context of cocktails, often means one of two things: either syrupy coffee liqueurs, or the use of coffee itself as a component ingredient. Our blending team imagined Coffee Whiskey as a newer, better expression of those concepts.
14mg of caffeine per 1.5oz serving
Tasting Notes

Pot Distilled
Traditional Techniques
Kings County embraces a variety of whiskey cultures and blends them into creative, distinctive whiskeys. We distill for quality over yield using true pot stills manufacturer in Scotland (Forsyths) and Kentucky (Vendome).
We source directly from farmers in NY and maltsters in the UK because we believe that good choices start from the very beginning. We source our grains locally in NY when we can because we believe distinctive ingredients make better whiskey. Here's a breakdown of what grains goes into making this product.

80% Corn
We source our corn from Lakeview Organic. The same farmer we've been using since day one. Klass and Mary-Howell Martens have cultivated a generational farm that grows 100% organic, non-GMO corn right here in the state in the Fingerlakes region.

20% Malted Barley
Our grain comes from Thomas Fawcett Maltsters in the UK. Specifically, we use Golden Promise malted pale barley. Our high-malt mashbill borrows more from Scotch whiskey than traditional bourbons who typically add a flavoring grain such as rye or wheat.

Parlor Collaboration
“We developed Parlor Cold Brew with the belief that a better tasting beverage will always start with better ingredients,” said Parlor Coffee Co-Founder AJ Walzer. “Our friends and neighbors at Kings County share this belief—their dedication to their craft parallels our own. When Kings County reached out to us with their concept to create a better coffee whiskey, we had no doubt they would achieve it, and we are honored that they found our Cold Brew as worthy of celebration as we do.”
use it in your home bar